How to Streamline Your Photography Business Marketing?

If you are marketing a photography business, chances are things have drastically slowed down in the last couple months.

Although it’s easy to ponder hopelessly about the future particularly for those who have just started a photography business, this slowdown presents opportunity for you to potentially streamline your photography business marketing before things pick up again.

We will seek to discuss various methods you can implement to market and position your photography business right now so that next year it can cater to an abundance of customers.

Photography Business Marketing

Using available digital resources

A lot of marketing tips for photography don’t focus on the fact that a photography business isn’t quite so different from other businesses.

What I observed is that a lot of photographers understand how to start a business in photography yet they do not understand how to market their photography business.

For my photography business, one way I have succeeded against this is by using technology. For example, to keep track of all of my photoshoots and to track my invoices from month to month, I use a photography management tool.

One of the most productive tools I have stumbled across and loved is Unscripted ⏤ a tool that enables you to conduct customer assessments, learn about the best shooting poses and prompts, camera settings guide, client management and scheduling tool, email marketing templates, send contracts and invoices and so much more.

Create Your Packages

I strongly recommend that you understand the psychology behind pricing your services to market properly. This one component has converted my photography business fundamentally.

However, the fundamentals are that you need to have the 3 model type packages that you want your clients to buy. The most ideal plan would be priced between one affordable package and a more premium option; this package should be more marketable for your company and generates more revenue than the cheaper package.

People love freebies so make your prospective clients feel like they’re getting a discount but at the same time do not make them feel cheap. Nine out of ten times, they’ll pick your all-inclusive package which is neither the least nor the most expensive package you have on offer.

Arrange your photography gear

Your photography business is likely to bear the brunt unless you arrange your gears.

You first have to make various checklists for various type of shoots that your company frequently conducts, and so you need to prepare your gear in such a way that it doesn’t take a lot of time to prepare your bag for that shoot.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that the gears are kept secure when not in use where they are not at risk of water or heat damage.

Be open to outsourcing

It is already a challenging feat to manage a photography business. We’re certainly not compensated adequately as our service is greatly underappreciated. But there’s no reason for you specifically in the gig economy era, to make life harder and more expensive on yourself than it deserves to be.

Whether you feel that you have difficulty keeping up with one certain aspect of your business such as connecting with customers or managing your finances, you can source a competent assistant to help you do these stuff for even less than you expect. To find someone, you can use any of the gig platforms such as Fiverr or Upwork.

And you’ll have more time to focus on doing stuff you enjoy by outsourcing the job you dread and your customers appreciate the quality and efficiency of your services.